Cross2Grace Dairy Goats & GoatGoat Dairy Goats

Great Goats, Good Milk

Foundation Alpine - American Goats

Doe (female)

Very Dairy Doe
ADGA# AA1547697  DOB: 3/8/2011  (13 yrs)
Alpine - American | Doe (female) | Two-Tone Chamoisee
Sire: Mischievous Zeppelin A1492117
Dam: The Bilbar's Xenon AA1402884

Abby is a very dairy doe, that really puts it in the bucket, she has peeked at a gallon and three, fourths, a day, and she is very difficult to dry up. Abby does have a small pocket in the fore udder,...


Not for Sale


Reference, Tall/Big Doe
ADGA# AA1728047  DOB: 3/19/2015
Alpine - American | Doe (female) | Two-Tone Chamoisee, Pied Spot
Sire: Mischievous Adam
Dam: Dragon-Aura Selune's Liaa AA1557465

Beth is very large/tall at 33", very dairy doe, with a nice udder attachment. I would like to see her produce better this year though, she peeked at 3/4 a gallon a day, as a first freshener. Beth did ...

