Cross2Grace Dairy Goats & GoatGoat Dairy Goats

Great Goats, Good Milk

Jewel/Cloudy Buck kid

Pet, Weeds, Cart, or Meat

Goat , Guernsey/Alpine/LaMancha , Kid (male) |Gold w/white spots

DOB: 2/16/2023

Sire: SonGlo Cloudbirth

British Guernsey/ Pure Bred

SonGlo Cloudbirth

Guernsey - British Buck (male) Gold

BGS# BG001003D DOB: 4/27/20195 yrs
I am very pleased with the daughters that we have gotten from Cloudy, we have one daughter in milk so far and she is beautiful.
  | BGS# BG001003D | Gold
Dam: Goatgoat Jewel (L)

Grade Experimental Guernsey62.5Alpine25

Goatgoat Jewel (L)

Guernsey/Alpine/LaMancha Doe (female) Dark Red Gold, White blaze/Patches

GGBoA#  DOB: 4/26/20177 yrs
Jewel is Palomino's niece, her dam freshened with even more rear udder, but she has elf ears. Jewel is 62.5% Guernsey, 25% Alpine 13.5% LaMancha. She has beautiful conformation and udder, but was not our heaviest milking FF, peeking at 2/3 a gallon a day. Tested negative for CAE 2020 2021 Jewel did okay as a third freshener, and gave around 6lbs a day. She finally gave us a doe kid. 2022 Jewel milked through, she was still giving 1/3 a gallon a day, before we started to dry her up.
  | GGBoA#  | Dark Red Gold, White blaze/Patches

Other: $100 left intact

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This cute guy is mostly Guernsey, but not level enough to be registered. He'd be a great pet, weed eater, commercial herd sire (asking $100. if left intact), or dinner. He is disbudded.

Updated 10/2/2023