Cross2Grace Dairy Goats & GoatGoat Dairy Goats

Great Goats, Good Milk

GoatGoat Peppermint

75% Guernsey 25% Alpine

Goat , Guernsey , Dry Yearling (female) |Pale Gold, Wattles

DOB: 3/3/2022

Sire: Violetvale Apollo

HB2/American, Polled

Violetvale Apollo

Guernsey - American Buck (male) Dark Gold

BGS# HB078709P DOB: 5/15/20168 yrs
Apollo has given us some beautiful conformation in his daughters, we have been pleased with Apollo's daughters, nice udders, and good milk quantity. Apollo is ready for a retirment home, his legs are not what they used to be.
  | BGS# HB078709P | Dark Gold
Dam: GoatGoat Marshmallow Delight

Reference, 1/2 Guernsey 1/2 Alpine

GoatGoat Marshmallow Delight

Guernsey/Alpine Doe (female) Med-Gold

GGBoA#  DOB: 3/12/20204 yrs
Expecting good things from this doe for our Guernsey breeding program, her dam was a great doe.
  | GGBoA#  | Med-Gold
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Peppermint's experimental registration is pending ADGA. She should add a lot to our Guernsey breeding program, going back to some of our best Alpines, and she is polled.

Sadly we need to freshen less does next year so peppermint has come available she should be a great addition to a breed up program, or a great family milk doe.

Updated 10/2/2023