Cross2Grace Dairy Goats & GoatGoat Dairy Goats

Great Goats, Good Milk

GoatGoat Nutella N Apples L*

EX Guernsey 87.5% LaMancha12.5%

Goat , Guernsey/LaMancha , Dry Yearling (female) |Gold

ADGA | DOB: 4/28/2021

Sire: Violetvale Apollo

HB2/American, Polled

Violetvale Apollo

Guernsey - American Buck (male) Dark Gold

BGS# HB078709P DOB: 5/15/20168 yrs
Apollo has given us some beautiful conformation in his daughters, we have been pleased with Apollo's daughters, nice udders, and good milk quantity. Apollo is ready for a retirment home, his legs are not what they used to be.
  | BGS# HB078709P | Dark Gold
Ask a question
Nutella is well put together, to bad her dam is wrong color for guernsey. So there is a chance of elf ears, as well as an increased chance of black, potentially showing up in future generations.

Updated 10/27/2023