Cross2Grace Dairy Goats & GoatGoat Dairy Goats

Great Goats, Good Milk

Cross2Grace Nerine Lily

EX Guernsey 75% Alpine 25%

Goat , Guernsey/Alpine , Dry Yearling (female) |Gold, white patches

DOB: 3/2/2021

Sire: Anin's Golden Judah

American Guernsey (HB2) Reference

Anin's Golden Judah

Guernsey - American Buck (male) Gold

BGS# HB079271D DOB: 2/9/20177 yrs
I have some beautiful doe kids from Judah. He is gentle, and easy to handle, he can be stand offish with strangers. My only complaint is we have gotten a few kids with black markings from him, mostly on initial out crosses with our Alpine does. He has also had some kids with white patches. We have recorded his DNA with ADGA. We also got his Alpha S1 Casein results, which are E/F. I currently (in 2020) have only two daughters in milk to him (one milking with a precocious udder), and a friend has ...
  | BGS# HB079271D | Gold
Dam: GoatGoat Jute Flower

Reference 50% Guernsey 50% Alpine

GoatGoat Jute Flower

Guernsey/Alpine Doe (female) Cream, White patches

GGBoA#  DOB: 5/11/20177 yrs
Jute has been with a friend, and has come back (no fault of hers). She is a very milky doe, with large teats, sadly she is lopsided, due to her triplet boys favoring one side. I don't know how much she gave as my friend let her dam raise her boys, but she said they never had her empty; or milk flavor. She will be a second freshener in 2020. She freshened with mastitis in her right side, and we trying to clear it up. Mastitis is cleared up, but left her one sided, she is giving 3/4 a gallon o ...
  | GGBoA#  | Cream, White patches
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This pretty girl is out of a very heavy milking doe, hoping that Judah improves the udder attachment over her dam some. She is 75% Guernsey 25% Alpine.

Lilly has been spoken for/reserved, for when she comes available.

Updated 10/27/2023