Cross2Grace Dairy Goats & GoatGoat Dairy Goats

Great Goats, Good Milk

Goatgoat Blue's Curly Girl


Goat , Guernsey/Alpine , Doe (female) |Pale Gold

GGBoA | DOB: 6/28/2015

Sire: GoatGoat Blue Boy AA1676313
Dam: Treasured Sunrise Daffodil

Reference, American Guernsey

Treasured Sunrise Daffodil

Guernsey - American Doe (female) Gold

BGS# HB077705D DOB: 7/10/201310 yrs
Daffodil has good milk flavor, and is a sweet personable doe.
  | BGS# HB077705D | Gold
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Curly is a pretty girl with lots of milk.

Updated 10/2/2023